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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

OMG Did "_____" just like my photo? BOT Friends Not Friends: The Truth Behind Instagram Likes

So.... there's these things called BOTS
I'm coming from both perspectives here. BOTS are used on social media to help companies, DJ's, Artist and/or pages reach their target audience without the hassle of having to promote individually.
(AKA when you see big pages liking your post and there not following you.)
Here's how majority of them work, it is a paid service that allows you to input the hashtags that will better reach your audience. 
We all know hashtags are used as an expression of our selves, our culture and or the photos we are posting. All of my hashtags look something like this
 #edm #plur #plurvibes #edmsavedmylife #lic #ultra #mysteryland #edclv #blogger #edmpublicist #raver #eatsleepraverepeate #socialmediamarketing ...
Companies input these hashtags so when ever you post a photo with any of these tags it'll automatically like and or comment your photo. This allows them exposure making you  more inclined to look at and/or follow their pages.
There's two emotions I have that arise from this kind of marketing
On one hand I personally, being desperate for followers, was thinking of doing of this. It's so much faster and easier and I would be able to reach a broader audience. There's just not enough time in the day to sit and attract 20 thousand followers manually.
However, on the other hand,  having a real connection with your followers is probably the best tactic any company or page could utilize. 
Attracting followers and not knowing who they are nor what positive vibes they could bring to you is not the way I chose to go. 
I have gained so much positive feedback from you guys and I can't even imagine having a page where I (the creator) never responds nor makes any attempt to connect with you. Especially if for some reason you are trying to gain my attention in some sort. 
To piggy back off that, when I designed my page/brand I tailored it to be a page for ravers more specifically ravers of PLUR. (hints the name inplurwetrust). A cyber family that connects, promotes and keeps you up to date with all the great vibes in our community!
This post is really just based off my personal realization
If you guys don't already know, It'll be one of my dreams come true to be picked up by a big EDM Festival, DJ and or company who wants me to come out to their event and work my magic and/or work with them directly!
   "BAHAHA" DAYGLOWLUK (co-founder of Life in Color) is the inspiration behind this post! I came to the realization about two days ago after seeing his IG name pop up on my instagram likes feed  multiple times. I realized that he as only ""liked"" photos that I tagged #lic in. And that my friend slightly crushed me! "bahahahhahaha
 The funny thing is the photos I posted have nothing to do with Life in Color I just used the hashtag
You see my friends, in this field people ghost watch you, they watch your work from a distance and then once they see you have grinded hard enough or got the following that will benefit them as well they'll contact you. 
So back to the story; once I realized this I went back to check if he had liked any of my photos that did not have #lic and like I predicted he had NOT!
So moral of the story I have been fooled. I thought perhaps he had seen some of my Life in Color articles and was keeping up with me "Bahahaha" I thought!
 O yea and "Fredde Le Grand" liked my photo I wonder what hashtag triggered that! 'bahaha
Bots come in all forms BAHAHA

Good Vibes Yall!
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Ravers take care of one another We are One Nation under One Beat Drop with One Love and that's Raving! In Plur I trust, In Plur you Trust,  In PLUR WE TRUST!-ProjectX

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